Nestled within the industrial heart of Bangkok’s automotive industry, Glo is a minimalist study in architectural juxtaposition. Its chiseled façade simultaneously connects yet contrasts to the surrounding architectural language while playfully contrasted with delicate, up-lit mesh curtains,
As the sun sets, the space undergoes a metamorphosis, orchestrated through the manipulation of light. Custom signage, designed with precisely calculated angles cast an shadows that shift with the fading daylight. A dynamic interplay on the textured facade.
The interior, organized around central bar, is crowned with a suspended, inverted mirror lighting feature, a kind of Eliasson nod to light and perception. This installation becomes the heart of the cafe's transformation. During the day it subtly reflects and fragments the natural light, creating a sense of depth and dynamism. As dusk settles, it becomes a luminous beacon emanating an amber glow spilling out onto the street, a stark contrast to the cool receding light of day.
This carefully calibrated use of light completely alters the perception and experience of the space. What is a stark, concrete cafe by day becomes a warm, inviting haven. The amber light, reflected and refracted, bathes patrons' faces, softening their features and fostering a sense of shared experience and intimacy. It is afterglo, where we demonstrate how light can be used not just to illuminate, but to fundamentally reshape one’s emotional and physical experience of a space.
Lighting Design: Pantira Wattanakeesuntorn
Photography: Thanawatchu Creative Production